Ricerca Gruppi di ricerca e contributi alla ricercaThe Section of Clinical PathophysiologyGruppo Iantomasi
Gruppo Iantomasi
Laboratory for the study of endocrine tumours, mineral metabolism diseases, musculoskeletal pain and redox regulated mechanisms.
Coordinator of Research Team
Name: Teresa Iantomasi
Position: Researcher BIO10
Name of Research Team/Laboratory: Cellular and Molecular Biology and Genetic Lab
e-mail: teresa.iantomasi@unifi.it
telephone number: +39055 2758146

Brief biographical sketch of the Coordinator
Degree and Field of study
Degree in Biological Sciences
University of Florence
Postgraduate volunteer research fellow at the Department of Biochemical Sciences
University of Florence
PhD in Biochemistry
University of Florence
Researcher (scientific disciplinary area E05A) of Pharmacia Faculty at the Department of Biochemical Sciences of University of Florence
University of Florence
Member of:
- Self-assessment Group (GAV) for preparing the self-evaluation Report (RAV) for the degree course in Environmental Toxicology of the Faculty of Pharmacology, University of Florence (2005-2010).
- Scientific board of the Doctorate/PhD Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology", University of Siena (2012-2019).
Research Team
- Anna Maria Carossino (RC)
- Roberto Carossino (C)
- Luisella Cianferotti, MD, PhD, (RTD)
- Lisa Di Medio, MD, PhD Student
- Simone Donati, Postgraduate Research Fellow
- Irene Falsetti, Postgraduate Research Fellow
- Gianna Galli (EP)
- Leonardo Guasti, PhD Student
- Francesca Giusti, MD, PhD
- Luca Iamartino, PhD, Post Doc
- Gemma Marcucci, MD, PhD, (RTD)
- Francesca Miglietta, Research Fellow
- Gaia Palmini, PhD, Post Doc
- Barbara Pampaloni, PhD, Research Fellow
- Cecilia Romagnoli, PhD, Research Fellow
Current research interest
- Metabolic effects of Vitamin D and its derivatives;
- Pathogenesis of Parathyroid Disorders;
- Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia tipe I and tipe II;
- Redox regulation of biological processes;
- Bone Cell Biology;
- Bone Inherited Disorders;
- Cannabinoids and biological effects;
- Muscleskeletal Cell Biology;
Current/recent source of founding
Recent sources: Tuscany Region, Bando Ricerca Salute 2018 (TOSCANO). Tuscany Region, PS-GO 2017. BONE++ finanziato nell'ambito del PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020. Progetto PEGASUS finanziato nell’ambito del PRIN 2017.
Publications of last 5 years
- Aurilia C, Donati S, Palmini G, Miglietta F, Iantomasi T, Brandi ML. The Involvement of Long Non-Coding RNAs in Bone. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Apr 10;22(8):3909. doi: 10.3390/ijms22083909. PMID: 33920083; PMCID: PMC8069547; finanziato nell’ambito del PRIN 2017
- Palmini G, Romagnoli C, Donati S, Zonefrati R, Galli G, Marini F, Iantomasi T, Aldinucci A, Leoncini G, Franchi A, Beltrami G, Campanacci DA, Capanna R, Brandi ML. Analysis of a Preliminary microRNA Expression Signature in a Human Telangiectatic Osteogenic Sarcoma Cancer Cell Line. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jan 25;22(3):1163. doi: 10.3390/ijms22031163. PMID: 33503899; PMCID: PMC7866083.
- Domazetovic V, Falsetti I, Viglianisi C, Vasa K, Aurilia C, Stio M, Menichetti S, Iantomasi T. Protective Role of Natural and Semi-Synthetic Tocopherols on TNFα-Induced ROS Production and ICAM-1 and Cl-2 Expression in HT29 Intestinal Epithelial Cells. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Jan 22;10(2):160. doi: 10.3390/antiox10020160. PMID: 33499140; PMCID: PMC7911239.
- Domazetovic V, Marcucci G, Falsetti I, Bilia AR, Vincenzini MT, Brandi ML, Iantomasi T. Blueberry Juice Antioxidants Protect Osteogenic Activity against Oxidative Stress and Improve Long-Term Activation of the Mineralization Process in Human Osteoblast-Like SaOS-2 Cells: Involvement of SIRT1. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020, 9, 125.
- Domazetovic V, Iantomasi T, Bonanomi AG, Stio M. Vitamin D regulates claudin-2 and claudin-4 expression in active ulcerative colitis by p-Stat-6 and Smad-7 signaling. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2020, 35, 1231-1242.
- Domazetovic V, Bonanomi AG, Stio M, Vincenzini MT, Iantomasi T. Resveratrol decreases TNFα-induced ICAM-1 expression and release by Sirt-1-independent mechanism in intestinal myofibroblasts. Exp Cell Res. 2019, 382, 111479.
- Domazetovic V, Marcucci G, Pierucci F, Bruno G, Di Cesare Mannelli L, Ghelardini C, Brandi ML, Iantomasi T, Meacci E, Vincenzini MT. Blueberry juice protects osteocytes and bone precursor cells against oxidative stress partly through SIRT1. FEBS Open Bio. 2019, 9, 1082-1096.
- Domazetovic V, Marcucci G, Iantomasi T, Brandi ML, Vincenzini MT. Oxidative stress in bone remodeling: role of antioxidants. Clin Cases Miner Bone Metab. 2017, 14, 209-216.
- Domazetovic V, Fontani F, Tanini D, D'Esopo V, Viglianisi C, Marcucci G, Panzella L, Napolitano A, Brandi ML, Capperucci A, Menichetti S, Vincenzini MT, Iantomasi T. Protective role of benzoselenophene derivatives of resveratrol on the induced oxidative stress in intestinal myofibroblasts and osteocytes. Chem Biol Interact. 2017, 275:13-21.
- Domazetovic V, Fontani F, Marcucci G, Iantomasi T, Brandi ML, Vincenzini MT. Estrogen inhibits starvation-induced apoptosis in osteocytes by a redox-independent process involving association of JNK and glutathione S-transferase P1-1. FEBS Open Bio. 2017, 7, 705-718.
- Fontani F, Domazetovic V, Marcucci T, Vincenzini MT, Iantomasi T. Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Up-Regulates ICAM-1 Expression and Release in Intestinal Myofibroblasts by Redox-Dependent and -Independent Mechanisms. J Cell Biochem. 2016, 117, 370-381.
Research Collaboration
Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Brandi (MD, PhD), Presidente della Fondazione Italiana Ricerca sulle Malattie dell’Osso (F.I.R.M.O Onlus) Direttore Scientifico dello Stabilimento Chimico Farmaceutico Militare (SCFM) di Firenze.